Home Chamber of Commerce California Chamber of Commerce

California Chamber of Commerce

California Chamber of Commerce

The California Chamber of Commerce
consists of many member businesses
, most of which have fewer than one hundred employees. However,
the California
Chamber of Commerce is an advocate for all businesses, small and large, that conduct any type of business in the
State of California.


The California Chamber of Commerce is
the largest organization is California which interacts with the
Government through lobbying efforts. Through those
efforts, the California
Chamber of Commerce is able to stay up to date on
all laws and legislation which would impact member businesses
, either positively or negatively. The California Chamber of Commerce
then distributes materials which contain the latest  information on
those laws to all member businesses, whether
or not they are directly impacted by those changes.


The California Chamber of Commerce
helps businesses to comply with applicable laws by keeping each member up to
date on the laws, as well as providing direct services which can help in
compliance. The
Chamber is nonprofit and provides these services through membership
dues which are paid by all member businesses, as well as

fundraising efforts.


The Chamber of Commerce also helps to promote business with other states
as well as international business. By doing so, the California
Chamber of Commerce
helps to create jobs in the
State and
provides a boost to the economy in the
State as well.