Home Chamber of Commerce Understanding the Chamber of Commerce

Understanding the Chamber of Commerce

Understanding the Chamber of Commerce

A Chamber of Commerce is a network of businesses which work together to bring more people to the local businesses. Chambers of Commerce not only seek to enhance the business in the area, but they also advocate for local businesses. The Chamber of Commerce seeks to ensure that each business is protected from laws and statutes which would prohibit them from conducting business in the area.
Chamber of Commerce jobs may be paid but they may also be volunteer, depending on the location of the Chamber. Chamber of Commerce jobs can include a variety of jobs including advertising, leadership roles and keeping the minutes of the meeting.
There will also be a Board of Directors which help to run Chambers of Commerce, including the decisions required to keep the Chamber running smoothly, taking care of the finances, and appointing individuals into Chamber of Commerce jobs.  The Board will also work together to appoint and hire a President of the Chamber of Commerce who would be in charge of the daily operations of the Chamber.
The local Chamber of Commerce will work with the township or county in order to bring people to local businesses. The Chamber of Commerce will also work with the town for fundraising efforts and town beautification. For example, members of the Chamber of Commerce may plant flowers along the township roads or work with the town for fundraising efforts for Fourth of July fireworks. The goal of the Chamber of Commerce is to increase business but also to contribute to a close relationship in the community where the business are located.