Home Better Business Bureau Better Business Bureau Overview

Better Business Bureau Overview

Better Business Bureau Overview

Better Business Bureau


The Better Business Bureau (BBB) organization was created as a
means of addressing the concerns which can arise over the issue of business
ethics violations. In this regard, people who believe that a company or charity
in their local area is violating the BBB business ethics precepts and cannot
otherwise be appealed to can refer to the offices of this organization.
Alternately, businesses can affirm their commitment to adhering to business
ethics by going through and receiving accreditation from the Better Business


Better Business Bureau Online


As a widely based and widely listened to organization involved in
the field of affirming or disproving the commitment of commercial and charity
organizations to the cause of accepted business ethics, the original Better
Business Bureau corporation has also created an Internet presence in the form
of the online website, which can be found by consumers and business people at bbb.org.
In addition to this basic site, regionally-specific Internet sites can also be


Canadian Better Business Bureau


The Better Business Bureau is organized on the basis of providing
accreditation to various local chapters, as are widely located across
geographical distances. In this sense, the organization is divided into both
United States and Canadian chapters. The Better Business Bureau Canada section is
composed of various chapters, such as different Ontario Better Business Bureau
sections, including the ottawa.bbb.org section, which was formed to
serve both Eastern Ontario and the Outaouais.


Illinois Better Business Bureau


Within the United States, one regional area served by the business
ethics services of the Better Business Bureau is that of the Illinois Better
Business Bureau area, which is divided into various chapters specific to the
overall State. In this regard, people who live in the central area of the State
can contact the organization at heartofillinois.bbb.org, as well as various
city-specific websites which serve surrounding areas as well as named


Ohio Better Business Bureau


The Ohio Better Business Bureau does not consist of a single body
devoted to the cause of business ethics and their potential violations in
regard to the entire span of the State of Ohio, but instead of various bodies
created specifically for different cities and sectors in the State. In this
regard, people can contact such Ohio Better Business Bureau chapters at
locations like dayton.bbb.org, toledo.bbb.org, and cleveland.bbb.org, with
military- and charity-specific functions.


Better Business Bureau Complaints


One of the primary services provided through the Better Business
Bureau organization is for the registration of official and publicly viewable
Better Business Bureau complaints to perceived ethical violations on the part
of local business groups. The BBB group has issued a cautionary message to
potential complainants in regards to using the Better Business Bureau
complaints function without first having contacted the business group in question
directly, which could thus be used to directly address the issues at stake.