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Canadian Better Business Bureau

Canadian Better Business Bureau

The Better Business Bureau Canada is one of the two components of the overall business ethics organization known as the Better Business Bureau, or BBB, which is located throughout the two countries in the form of various chapters dedicated to ensuring compliance with ethical standards on a geographically relevant basis.
In this regard, people interested in getting in touch with the BBB organization as a whole, as may be the case either for a consumer or a business person concerned in some way over an ethical issue, can refer to the CBBB, or Council of Better Business Bureaus. The CBBB provides for the organizational linkage of the Better Business Bureau Canada and United States chapters.
Alternately, people specifically interested in the services of the Better Business Bureau Canada or one of its geographically specific components, such as the Ontario Better Business Bureau, can direct queries and communiqués to the Canadian Council of Better Business Bureaus.
At the offices of, for instance, the Ontario Better Business Bureau, individuals or other companies can provide for a variety of different services provided by the organization. Better Business Bureau Canada customers, either as individuals or as corporate entities, might refer to the Ontario Better Business Bureau as to ethical violations being committed in their area or to learn about any business-related ethical issues of which they had previously not been aware.
One Ontario Better Business Bureau chapter which can readily be contacted online is reachable at ottawa.bbb.org and serves the areas of Eastern Ontario, as well as the Outaouais.