What are Small Businesses for Sale?
A Small Business for Sale is defined as a commercial endeavor whose purchase is available, which will typically result in the transfer of ownership with regard to the both the buyer and the seller. With regard to a Small business for Sale, the variety of both the nature of the business – as well as the industry latent within the commercial activity undertaken – will typically allow for the pricing and exchange upon the sale itself.
Types of Small Businesses For Sale
A Small Business for Sale may exist in a variety of classifications with regard to the status of the business subsequent to the sale; while one Small Business for Sale may be sold in the form of an idea or a business plan, another Small Business for Sale may be in an operational state immediately after purchase:
‘Startup’ Small Businesses for Sale are considered to be a commercial endeavor available for purchase, whose availability occurs during the earliest stages of business development; this can range from mere business plans outlining a business structure to commercial activities within their premature organization
‘Turnkey’ Small Businesses for Sale are defined as a commercial endeavor available for purchase in a state of operation, which typically will not require startup costs or developmental administration; the term ‘Turnkey’ spawns from the notion that the purchaser of this Small Business for Sale will have the ability to initiate the operation of the business immediately after purchase
The Classification of a Small business for Sale
The Fair Work Act of 2009, which is comprised of regulations set forth by the United States Department of Labor (DOL), a Small Business for Sale in the United States is classified as a business – or commercial activity – available for purchase within which the following classifications apply:
A Small Business for Sale will typically be privately owned
A Small Business for Sale will typically have an employee base not exceeding 15 individuals
A Small Business for Sale will typically render and incur a profit margin and earnings reports that are substantially smaller than those belonging to middle and larger sized businesses
Taxation for a Small Business for Sale
Subsequent to purchase, a Small Business for sale is subject to applicable taxation requirements, which include employees, provide benefits, and liabilities undertaken by the Small Business:
IRS Form 8829: This form is used in order to claim any expenses that are incurred as a result of operating a self-employed Small Business for Sale subsequent to its purchase; typically, this form is specific to online-based Small Business conducted from one’s home or residence
IRS Form 1040: This form is a standard form used for filing taxes applicable to a Small Business for Sale subsequent to purchase; line 30 on this particular form entitled ‘Schedule C’ allows the owner of an small business purchased in order to substantiate profits or losses as a result of operating an online-based small business within the realm of self-employment
Schedule C – EZ: Subsequent to purchase, a Small Business for sale employed to operate from a residential base of operation – reporting business expenses not exceeding $50,000 – will be required to satisfy this tax form