If an individual, small business, or a corporation is experiencing difficulty saving money or obttaining a profit on its goods or services, credit counseling may be both necessary and advantageous. There are many companies that offer non-profit credit counseling, so that an individual or a business can obtain the assistance that is needed without paying money to obtain this counseling. However, it is important to be wary when utilizing a company that claims to offer non-profit credit counseling.
In some instances, a company that advertises non-profit services still charges fees for credit counseling. Fees may be hidden so that individuals and business owners do not recognize them initially. Some companies and organizations that provide non-profit credit counseling will urge participants to provide voluntary contributions, causing an individual to pay large fees for the credit counseling that was obtained.
Non-profit credit counseling can be offered in person, by telephone, or on the internet. It is often beneficial for an individual or business owner to obtain credit counseling in person, if this is possible. The best places to seek non-profit credit counseling include credit unions, government organizations, universities, housing authorities, and military bases. While non-profit credit counseling is frequently targeted at helping an individual to manage personal debt, it can also be advantageous for small business owners who are finding it difficult to profit from their businesses and repay their debts.