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10 Steps to Preserve Business Intelligence

10 Steps to Preserve Business Intelligence


Tips for Preserving Business Intelligence by Protecting Business Rights

When you are trying to preserve business intelligence, you have to do things that will protect the business for which you are working.  There are all kinds of ways to protect business rights through legal means; what you need to know is what will work best to protect business intelligence. 

Business intelligence is what keeps businesses running and will promote new ideas and fresh products. Without business intelligence the world would be stagnant, and that is why it is so crucial to protect it.

There are many different ways to protect business intelligence by protecting intellectual property.  Here are the top ten reasons why you need to protect business intelligence:

1. File for Protection

The best way to get the protection that you need is to file it.  There are generally three ways that you can protect your business intelligence and your new idea.  Look into a patent, trademark, or a copyright. These are the three legal ways to protect your ideas.

2. Hire a Lawyer to Help

You honestly don’t want to go about trying to promote business intelligence and protect intellectual property without an attorney.  It is worth the investment that you are going to make.  They are able to help you best apply and figure out what is going to work the best to keep your idea your idea. Contact business lawyers for legal advice and assistance.

3. Become Book Smart

Even though you’ve hired an attorney (or you should have), familiarize yourself with intellectual property law so that you know what is going on.  This way, you’ll have the tools that you need to be knowledgeable.  Remember, the more you know the better.

4. Think it Through

Let’s be honest, not every idea needs to be trademarked. You want to work on business intelligence which means a great idea.  Instead of trademarking any idea that comes your way, ask your counsel for advice and decide if this is going to be an idea that can potentially make some money in the future.

5. Respect what other People have Done

Just because the idea popped into your head doesn’t mean that you are the first one who thought of it.  Be sure that your idea is unique and isn’t something that you borrowed from someone else. 

6. Think your Idea Through

Business intelligence requires a full thought. You need to have the idea planned out start to finish.  This way, you are able to see if it is a viable option or something to push aside to start the next great thing.

7. Become Competitive

If you have a unique idea, you still need to patent it.  So be sure that you are spending the time and money to protect the idea that you have. Otherwise, it is just a waste of time.  Protecting your ideas will make a big difference in the options that you have.

8. Protect your Trade Secrets

Be sure that anyone related to the idea is signing a non-disclosure form to protect the idea from getting out.

9. Get Legal Protection

You should be relying on your legal counsel to help you out.  They will be able to keep your idea safe and you should rely on them to do so.  If you can’t trust them, get a new lawyer.

10. It Takes Time

All of this isn’t going to happen overnight, so just realize that and take the time to know what is going to fit you the best. 


Make Sure You Know About Your Business Software!

Make Sure You Know About Your Business Software!

Top Things You Must Know About
Business Software

Business software is a tricky industry and one
that you need to really understand the ins and outs of to master.  There
are a lot of legal issues that go into business software and are important to
be aware of.  It is important to understand what you must do to patent
business software and to keep up with the legal requirements of the software
you own. 

Here are a
few important tips to better understand the legality of creating business

Is there a Patent Similar to Yours?

With software, just as with anything else, it has
to be patented.  What is important when you are patenting software is that
it is actually unique.  There can’t be two patented software programs that
are the same; a patent is for a unique idea, so make sure that yours is before
you attempt to get the patent.  Trying to patent an item can be costly,
and you don’t want to spend money that shouldn’t be spent.

Test Your Software

You must test your software. If you don’t test
your business software, there is going to be an issue.  You need to run
any program that you create for a business software platform because you need
to be aware of any bugs that exist.  To do this, you are going to want to
test it with a test group and test it internally.  Make sure you have
detailed reporting on this so you can get proper results and see if there are
any bugs.

Know the Privacy Laws

With business software, you need to make sure that
you are not violating any privacy laws.  If your business software is
recording any private information that needs to be removed from the software
program, it will get you in legal trouble.  However, it is okay to share
certain information with third parties, but you need a disclaimer so that
people that use the software are aware the information is being
collected.  You cannot sell any of your users’ information without their

Have Safety Instructions Spelled Out

Although most likely people creating business
software don’t want to have this problem, you need to let users know if there
are any issues with the software.  These issues would come about from
testing the software.  If, for example, in a small percentage of installed
programs that were tested, there was a bug, it would need to be
disclosed.  Not disclosing something like this with detailed safety
instructions can expose you to a lawsuit.

When it comes to covering yourself in regards to
the business software you’ve created, you need to do a few things.  Be
sure that you have patented and tested your program.  You also will want
to very clearly list that information.  If a problem should arise, you
will want to hire an attorney that specializes in business software, or at
least patent law, so that they are able to properly represent you.

LLC: Pros and Cons

LLC: Pros and Cons

What is an LLC?
An LLC refers to a Limited Liability Company. As the name suggests, a Limited Liability Company possesses limited liability for its owners. An LLC is a flexible form of a business organization that combines the various elements of a partnership with the fundamental characteristics of corporate structures.
A Limited Liability Company is a legal form of enterprise that offers limited liability to the managers or owners of the business structure. In the majority of localities or states, the formation of a Limited Liability Company does not need to be organized as a profit-based business model to incur the various legal benefits that a Limited Liability Company receives.
A Limited Liability Company is in essence a hybrid company; the business entity possesses certain characteristics of both a partnership and a corporation or sole proprietorship. The mixture of characteristics taken from other business classifications is dependent on how many owners are present in the underlying organization.  Although a Limited Liability Company is classified as a formal type of business entity, it is more closely aligned (based on fundamental characteristics) to an unincorporated association.
The primary characteristic of a Limited Liability Company, to align itself with the broader definition of a partnership, is that both enterprises have the availability of pass-through income taxation. This fundamental characteristic (the income earned by the entity flows through to investors or owners) offers more flexibility for the owner of a Limited Liability Company.

How is an LLC Taxed?

The United States Federal Income tax regards a Limited Liability Company as a pass-through entity. If the entity contains only one member, it is regarded (through federal interpretation) as a “disregarded entity” for the purpose of taxation.
As a result of this classification, the owner of the LLC will report the income of the entity on his or her own tax return. The income earned through an LLC is reported on the Schedule C tax form. For a Limited Liability Company with multiple members, the entity is treated as a partnership for taxation purposes. As a result, they must file the IRS Form 1065 to legally file their taxes.
Individual owners who experienced a loss during a taxable year of operation would receive a K-1 for their losses. The primary benefit of an LLC is realized through the structure’s flexibility. As an option, a Limited Liability Company may also be taxed like a corporation through the filing of the IRS Form 8832.

Advantages of an LLC
An LLC may be legally taxed as a partnership, a sole proprietor, a C-corporation, or an S-corporation.
The members of an LLC are protected from all or some liability acts, including the debts incurred from the business operation.
In some states an LLC may be established with just one person or member involved.
An LLC owns all intellectual property associated with the entity.

Disadvantages of an LLC
A Limited Liability Company often faces more challenges in regards to raising capital.
Creditors may require the LLC to guarantee the fulfillment of any loans offered to the LLC.
The renewal fees associated with an LLC are often more expensive than other forms of businesses.

The Business Opportunity Of Your Dreams

The Business Opportunity Of Your Dreams

A business opportunity is classified as a prospective endeavor or engagement in the realm of a business setting in which an individual might choose to participate or invest. Business opportunities can be extremely profitable for those choosing to take advantage of them. However, in other cases, business opportunities can result in the loss of monies, assets, and possessions.
Prior to engaging in a business opportunity, individuals are encouraged to do ample amounts of research regarding a potential business opportunity. These types of investigative measures should always be conducted prior to signing any documentation, such as agreements or contracts. 

Types of Business Opportunities
The number and availability of business opportunities mirror the number and availability of businesses that exist. That being said, many entrepreneurs and venture capitalists maintain that business opportunities exist in a perpetual state, crediting inventiveness, business savvy, instinct, and opportunity with much of their success. The following are some examples of the most popular business opportunities that have been birthed in the last decade:
Online business opportunities have increased in popularity due to the indispensability of the internet and electronic commerce (E-commerce). However, unless online business opportunities, or online businesses, are accredited, recognized as lawful, and officiated, individuals are encouraged to avoid engagement with any get rich quick schemes or scams.
Due to the fact that no definitive regulation of the internet exists, online companies have mastered a variety of methodologies that allow them to pose as reputable companies. Conversely, legitimate and valuable business opportunities exist on a large scale, as well.
Investment opportunities are a popular type of business opportunity which caters to individuals who regard themselves as venture capitalists and/or investors. An investment opportunity allows for the prospect of an individual to invest monies into an idea or preexisting company with the hopes that upon the success of their investment, the profit return will be substantial.
However, although legitimate opportunities exist, fraudulent operations are quite common both online and in live business settings. Playing upon the humanity of many individuals, fraudulent scams are constructed with the hopes of catering to the desire to “get rich quick”. In many cases, these schemes and scams disappear with money invested, leaving the investor(s) with a financial loss.
A franchise is a popular business opportunity that allows individuals to involve themselves with a company or business that has prior notoriety and an established reputation, such as a restaurant chain or retail store. Franchises allow for an individual to profit from preexisting success upon paying to essentially borrow the name of the business they wish to franchise. However, upon franchising a business, the individual will be required to uphold the standards and regulations that have been established by the parent company and/or business. This agreement is established and conclusive within a franchising agreement.

Business Opportunity Legal Assistance
As previously mentioned, individuals are encouraged to consult with attorneys specializing in business, commercial, contract, and finance law prior to signing any documentation. An attorney will provide assistance in exploring all liability, loss, responsibility, and finances latent within a prospective business opportunity. 

A Guide to the Better Business Bureau

A Guide to the Better Business Bureau

Are You Ready for Business Cards?

Are You Ready for Business Cards?

cards are documentation that display details of a business in a card form.
Although there does not exist a specific stipulation or standard for
information listed on business cards, many business cards contain information
expressing the following details: name of the business, address of the
business, the name of the employee, and the contact information for the

The Purpose of Business Cards

Business cards are used as information tools
that heighten awareness of a business. They have been known to be exemplary
marketing, networking, and informational resources for business owners and
employees alike. Since business cards are small and portable, they can be
passed along upon meeting new people, at networking events, or in casual

Depending on the desired effect, business card
design varies. The first incarnation of business cards was simple print on
white card stock. These business cards shared the dimensions of a wallet or card
holder, which allowed for their safe, easy, and convenient storage.

Due to the
fact that information can be misplaced and/or forgotten, a business card
provides for physical and tangible information regarding the business listed on
the specific business card. Once passed along, the recipient of a business card
can place the business card in a wallet or card holder for future reference.

Business Card Dimensions

A traditional business card varies depending
on the nation in which the business exists, but the dimensions do vary in
accordance with that country’s standard. In the United States, a traditional
business card measures 3.5 inches by 2 inches.

Where to Get Business Cards

Business cards can be printed at home or by a
company specializing in business card production. Traditionally, business cards
are printed on cardstock, which is a more dense and durable paper. This allows
for less chance of the card being wrinkled, bent, or damaged. In many cases,
the print on business cards is slightly raised, giving it an enhanced

some business cards simply possess writing that displays contact information,
certain business cards possess graphics, designs, and other eye-catching
images. Many print shops will provide business card production, as well as
business card design. Normally, single prints of business cards are rare; in
the event that a printing house agrees to print a single business card, the
cost may be larger than bulk printing. Due to the fact that business cards are
valuable marketing tools, they are traditionally produced in bulk allowing for
their maximum dissemination.

How to Get Business Cards

Decide on a design for the business card. Explore
the usage of graphics, images, colors, types of lettering, font, and size desired.

Decide on the volume of cards desired. Individuals
involved in networking groups and meetings are encouraged to print a larger
volume of business cards. Furthermore, bulk printing rates allow for the price
of production to decrease in tandem with a larger number of cards printed.

In the event that an individual does not
possess professional graphic design training or professional printing
facilities, shop around for the most affordable and reputable designing and
printing house to produce the optimal business card.

Protecting Cards with a Business Card Holder

Protecting Cards with a Business Card Holder

A business
card holder can be classified as two separate entities: portable business card
holders and desktop business card holders. Business card holders are used to
store, hold, and protect business cards prior and during their eventual

Why Use a Business Card Holder?

Despite the fact that business cards are
printed on heavier grade paper, such as card cardstock, which gives them added
durability and protection from damage and wear, business cards can still be
subject to scratching, bending, and wrinkling. An individual receiving a
damaged or bent business card might be wary of the individual or business
listed on the business card due to the condition of the business card received.
Furthermore, in the event that an individual or business has spent money
producing high-grade, high-quality business cards, it is in their best interest
to protect the business cards from premature wear.

Types of Business Card Holders

Desktop business card holders are
manufactured to sit atop desks or other surfaces in which they can be
accessible to visitors and clients. A business card holder should provide ample
protection and accessibility for the business cards housed within them. Desktop
business card holders should allow for an individual to seamlessly and easily obtain
a business card from them.

In many
cases, individuals who use business card holders choose to utilize them in
order to avoid physically passing a business card during a formal or informal meeting
setting. Furthermore, business card holders can be utilized to match the design
and décor of the office, as well as display a creative or eye-catching design.

business card holders can range from plastic to metal. In addition, the
available capacity of business card holders can vary. While some business card holders
carry hundreds of business cards at a time, some desktop business card holders
simply display a single business card.

Portable business card holders protect the
integrity and physical state of a business card, which is at times the sole
emissary of a new or unfamiliar business. In networking settings, individuals
with damaged or low-grade business cards may be prematurely judged in
accordance with the condition of their business cards. Business cards held in
business held in business card holders display an air that the individual not
only wishes to project a reputable and accessible image, but also is in the
habit of distributing many business cards. Many feel that this shows the
prospect of careful, meticulous, and responsible character traits on the part
of that individual.

Where to Get Business Card Holders

Business card holders can be obtained at a
variety of locations, ranging from office supply stores to custom manufacturing
facilities. A business card holder can project an air of professionalism, seriousness,
and attention to detail. Due to the fact that an innumerable number of business
cards are exchanged on a daily basis, a desire to maintain the pristine
condition of a business card can add value and reputability to those that
possess them.

The Truth About Free Business Cards

The Truth About Free Business Cards

cards are, at times, the sole emissary of a business. Due to the fact that countless
business cards are exchanged on a daily basis, a business card must reflect the
values and professionalism latent in a business. Although the designs of
business cards vary, many businesses choose to spend money on the production of
business cards that they feel will properly and sufficiently reflect their

However, a new business, which can also be referred
to as a “startup business”, may opt to obtain free business cards in order to
gauge the number of business cards needed to be produced. Many companies
ranging from online promotional companies to printing and publishing facilities
offer free promotions that allow for individuals and businesses alike to
receive free business cards.

Free Business Cards: Pros and Cons

There exist both positive and negative aspects in
the debate surrounding free business cards. Although there includes no monetary
payment, a free business card is traditionally inferior to business cards that
have been professionally designed and manufactured.

While free business cards do provide valid
information specified by an individual business, there oftentimes exist
restrictions in sizes, colors, dimensions, word count, and number of cards
produced. Many individuals and businesses alike find this to be extremely

While free business cards are free of charge,
they are traditionally, and primarily, offered for marketing and promotions. As
a result, many free business card offers display the contact information of the
company providing them somewhere on the business card.

However, in the case of new businesses that hope
to invest in custom, professional grade business cards, the prospect of free
business cards can be an invaluable prospect. Upon obtaining free business
cards, a business can gauge the amount of business cards that they will require
as a result of monitoring turnover, disbursement, and demand for the business

Where to Find Free Business Cards

Free business cards are offered by a multitude
of companies, ranging from promotional companies to new companies hoping to
garner attention. In many cases, companies offering free business cards hope to
retain clients taking advantage of the promotions, and eventually choosing to
spend money on business cards without the prior restrictions latent in the free
business card promotion.

Many free
business card offers exist online, yet upon approaching printing companies and
publishing facilities, a speculative agreement can be made in the form of a
trial offer. Individuals interested in free business cards are encouraged to
investigate internet promotions, as well as meet with printing companies and
inquiring about promotional deals.

It should be noted that in many cases, free
business card promotions do contain restrictions in design. As a result,
individuals seeking elaborate, ornate, or overly-customized business cards may
find that their needs cannot be met in the scope of a free business card
promotional offer.

Learn the Value of Business Technology Optimization

Learn the Value of Business Technology Optimization

technology optimization (BTO) is a business methodology that specifically
targets the optimization of Information Technology (IT) Departments existing
within each and every business. The business technology optimization program
operates in accordance with the perpetual evolution of the informational
technology industry by analyzing technological developments, researching
technological advances, and creating structured technological strategies. A
large amount of attention has been placed on informational technology in the
past decade due to the vast array of advancements undergone within the scope of
both general technologies, and specifically business technology.

What is Information Technology (IT)

An informational technology department exists
within a multitude of businesses existing on a global level. Due to the fact
that a majority of business is able to be conducted through the usage of
technology, such as the internet, computer programs, and remote business
applications, the honing of an IT department is instrumental. Business
technology optimization focuses on the productivity, proficiency, and
efficiency of IT departments. Information technology departments are
responsible for the following tasks:

The management, collection, analysis, and
assessment of digital data

The operations of computing systems

The maintenance of operating networks, including
digital, satellite, cable, and remote access

The organization of all records, reports, and
documentation that exist in digital form

The functional upkeep of all electronic and
technological systems responsible for the allocation and sorting of data

The moderation of all programs that exist in
both intra-office and inter-office forms

The repair, analysis, and rectification of all
issues befalling technological and computational systems within a business

The overseeing of all communication, both on
local and global levels

The Value of Business Technology Optimization

The advancement of information technology
departments are directly proportional to the advancement of a company or
business relying on its IT department for productivity, results, and output. A
business technology optimization allows for the most updated, informed, and efficient
measures taken in order to provide a final information technology product that
experiences continuing improvement and heightened efficiency. While business
consultants can improve the performance of many aspects of a business in its
physical functionality, business technology optimization provides for similar
consultation in the realm of information technology.

Why Employ a Business Technology Optimization

In the case of businesses who maintain a
technological status quo, many have expressed concerns regarding the
replacement and improvement of technology to which they have become accustomed.
However, an informed and effective business technology optimization
demonstration can illustrate the vast advances that are latent within the adoption
of a business technology optimization, ranging from enhanced technological
performance to unrivaled data management systems.

Business Technology Optimization Legal

Individuals and business owners alike that
wish to employ a business technology optimization program are encouraged to
consult with an attorney prior to the signing, preparation, or presentation of
any legal documentation. Attorneys specializing in cyber law can assist in the
explanation of technological terminology and lexicon, while attorneys
specializing in contract law can provide contractual preparation, providing
their clients with optimal protection from unnecessary and unwanted liability.

The 4 Services of a Business Management Consultant

The 4 Services of a Business Management Consultant

A business management consultant is an individual who
is trained in business consultation and who provides for the optimization of
managerial efficiency within the scope of a business. Oftentimes, business
management consultants are business professionals, as well as former business
owners and operators. In many cases, a business management consultant retains
business experience, acumen, and expertise that can be utilized to maximize
productivity in business development and business management.

Business Management Consultant Services

Business management consultants provide for a multitude of services that
run the gamut in a business setting, ranging from small businesses to large
corporations. The following are a number of services provided by business
management consultants:

1. Productivity Assessment

In the event that a business owner feels as though
their business is not operating on an optimal level, they may choose to employ
the services of a business management consultant. As a result of doing so, a
business management consultant can analyze the operations of that business,
ranging from employee productivity to operational management, and subsequently
create a plan of action that revamps outdated methodology and introduces new
and improved techniques.

In many cases, a business management consultant will
work closely with existing management staff, educating them in developmental
procedures that allow for employee productivity to improve. This can be done by
assessing job responsibility, improving employee/employer relations, and
analyzing the level of productivity.

2. Developing a Business Strategy

A business management consultant can provide for new
and improved directions, which can potentially heighten the overall
productivity of a business. By doing so, outdated and inefficient practices and
services can be eliminated while being replaced by customized solutions that
better suit the business in question. Upon improving operations through
strategy development, a business management consultant can revolutionize the
productivity, efficiency, and marketability.

3. Support and Accountability

A business management consultant can not only improve,
but define the protocols of support and strategy latent within a business. By
clearly delineating departmental responsibility, personnel job descriptions,
and a general level of accountability, the structural integrity of a business
can be improved through specified hierarchy and chain of command.

4. Eliminating Redundancies

Statistics resulting from the analysis of businesses
reflect that large amounts of money and time are wasted in not only repeating
tasks, but correcting errors. A business management consultant can formulate
knowledgeable analysis illustrating specific practices and procedures that lack
the optimal amount of efficiency. Furthermore, a business management consultant
can elucidate instances where management is lacking, which results in low employee

Oftentimes, a business management consultant can
highlight instances in which a company’s time, money, and resources are not
being used to their fullest extent. This includes disorganization, flawed
organization, and faulty data management services.

Business Management Consultant Legality

Prior to signing any legal documentation or paperwork, individuals are
encouraged to consult with an attorney who specializes in business, finance,
employment, and contracts. As a result of the legal acumen provided by a
skilled attorney, a contract for the hiring of a business management consultant
will retain the optimal benefit for both parties involved in the agreement.